Hi! Welcome to *~Sugar High~* Be sure to take the site tour so you know what is at each part of my site. Hanson must be busy 24/7, tv appearances, interviews, etc. They must be on a constant sugar high. Don't ya think? Now, there's only 1 rule here... have fun! I keep this place updated so be sure to come back often.
Last updated: Feb. 27th

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hanson fans have been here since June 12th.
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Hey Guys! For more in-depth info about some of the updates here head over to the news section.

So who went to the hanson chat last... whenever that was? I can't believe it, Taylor has an ear ring. Well ya know what? I think I'm gonna get a little gold loop on my left cartilidge. hehe. :o) I'll try to update more layTor.

Here's a pic of MOE#4 (taken from hansonline), do you got it yet? I don't, but itz on the way. There's is suppose to be many contests. :o)

Heard about the Celebrity Bears site and Rockstar Beanies site? Hanson laywers are trying to get them shut down. Pretty interesting. If you have the links to these sites please send them to me so I can post them.

Ravi will be coming out with a book called Dancin' with Hanson, April 1st. Suppose to have never before seen pics and info.

A movie in theaters, She's All That, shows hanson in a photo. A girl is handing out photos of her and hanson.

Have you renewed your MOE supscription? If you have, or have signed up for MOE, you'll be sent a special enhanced CD with MOE #5 (for more info, remember, go to news).

In MOE #4, there is going to be a lot of contests. It should be coming in about a month.

VH1 has a new show premering March 8th called Rock Candy. There will be an episode, the hanson fan vs. the hanson hater, to air later. I'll post the date when I know for sure.

2 new hanson books! One called Hanson is in stores now and another, Hanson: From Tulsa to the Stars, will be out in March. Both are unofficial.

16 Magazine is having a thingie called Hanson - Do you still love them? To write them about this, because of course we all do, here's their address: 16 Magazine,PO Box 887, Madison Square Station, New York, NY 10159. And/Or email them here: SixteenMagazine@yahoo.com

Questions? Comments? Email me at mmmbop4ever@chickmail.com

please check out my story, *~Kisses from Heaven~* It will be updated someday soon.

Go read my friend Ashley's story... itz a good one

My old site is back up:

Please join my yahoo club! Click the pic below to go there:

Lookie! Lookie! Awards for me!
this site kicks ass!!
this is one kewl site!
nifty site ya got here